Total Solar Eclipse 1999The photograph of the total solar eclipse is from the 11:th of August, 1999 from
the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. A solar eclipse is difficult to photograph because of the large dynamic range of the light
from it. Close to the limb you find the relatively strong red prominences. Outside there is the solar corona, fairly strong
nearby but fading very quickly although extending several solar radii. To get the whole dynamic range well exposed in a single
exposure is impossible with available photographic film, unless you have some sort of a radial filter; either the inner part
gets over exposed, or the outer gets under exposed. Instead, in this image, I combined four exposures with exposure times
of 1/60:th, 1/2, 1 and 2 seconds. I've put the photographs together digitally and enhanced contrast at different intensity
levels by using an unsharp mask.
The images were taken through a refractor telescope of focal length 900 milimetre on Kodachrome 64 film in company
with Markus Jönsson, Martin Rehn and Mattias Widmark whom I travelled together with to Bulgaria to watch the eclipse.
The Flag of Earth created by James Cadle |
The Flag has been flown at all SETI sites throughout the world. Click to go to his Link |